Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Unit 6 Post

Well hello everyone, here we are now in Unit 6. I still feel like I’m not getting anywhere on any of the papers I have to write. I have three classes this term, and go figure two of them are the ones that I’m not so great at. They would be Anatomy and Physiology II and this class Comp. II. My third class is like a second nature to me, it is Medical Office Management. This class I feel like I have to work on getting the answers, but I do not feel like I’m ready to get sick, my body cramps up, and my nervous are about to jump out of my body. Now with Anatomy and Comp, that is a totally different story, I really have to work out getting the answers to all homework and quizzes. Not to mention both of these classes are asking for me to write a paper. Which I’m not very good at, at all. In Comp. II I’m writing my paper on Teenage Pregnancy and in Anatomy, I’m writing my paper on the Respiratory System. So between all the paper writing and projects I feel like I’m sinking. Anatomy is really the hardest from them all for me, I read and re-read the chapter and sometimes I just really do not get it. I just I need it more in layman’s terms. Well I hope everyone else in the collage world is doing a lot better than me right now, and I mean that in the sense of school work as well as health wise. I have been raising five kids, which seem to keep bringing the sickness back to me. I now have landed myself in the hospital, due to amonna, what fun I’m having now. But hey I always look at things on the bright side. At least school is keeping me busy and taking my mind off this nasty food they serve, I really could go for Mc Donald’s right now. I even hate that place, but anything is better than this. Or maybe someone could sneak me a really big salad with everything on it. Also on the bright side, I guess I can get a lot of studying done, never mind scratch that. At least the studying I’m getting done will help me in the long run. Being forced to do this will help me get even better at the fears I have for these classes. 

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