Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unit 5 Post

I cannot believe we are half way through already; time is really going by so fast. I feel like I have not got anything really started on my paper yet. I guess this is where I would tell you about my academic challenges. Which by the way happen to be this class, lol. I have never been really good at writing anything. So when I found out I was going to be in College Comp I, I have to say I got really nervous. Then come to find out there was a part two, to the class. Now I feel like my heart is in my throat and I can barely breathe. I keep telling myself everything will be alright, and I will make it through without destroying my GPA. But to tell the truth, I never had to write a scientific paper. Before this class I never even knew what one was. I hoping that sense I’m doing my paper on teenage pregnancy that I will do somewhat of a good job. Only because it is something I really would love to learn about, due to the fact I have three daughters. However, I always thought that if a teen got pregnant that she would really suffer an education. But come to find out in the research I have been doing, it is saying that the child of the teen mother, will be the one to suffer. I also learned that teen age pregnancy has grown a huge amount in the last three years, and if a teen had a baby at 15 or 16 years old they are most likely to have another on by the age of 18 years old. What are these kids thinking?

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