Saturday, October 9, 2010

Unit 3 Post

Well hello everyone, I guess this is the first real post for our assignments, so here it goes.
I would like to do my paper on teenage pregnancy. I think the reason I would to do my paper on this topic is because my 16 year old daughters and even my son have introduce me to some of their friends. Friends who happen to have a baby or a baby on the way, my one daughter’s friend is even on her second child and she is only 17 years old. What has this world come to, when did our teenagers think that it became the popular challenge to see who could be pregnant the fastest or even with the most? I just cannot believe that the teenagers today think that the world is such an easy place to live, let alone try to raise a baby in it. I try and tell my kids there is a lot of time to have a family after they go for their dreams first. I think that is the main reason I have decided to go back to school. One day my 10 year old came to me and asked me why I never went to college. He said “You say that we can do anything we put our minds to and it is never too late.” I have always wanted to go back to school, but never felt like I have had the time. After the conversation with my son, I thought he is right it is never too late. And I cannot say one thing to my children and do another. So now I’m here today writing on a Blog which I never even knew what one was. Go figure, things do always seem to work out if you want them bad enough.     

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melanie, That is a great topic do your paper on. I have 6 children myself, my son is 19 and the oldest. I have 5 daughters 14,13,12,7 and 3. I'm doing my besst to monitor them and their friends, and put into them values and goals!!! My son is engaged! I have tried to talk him out of it but he was like I was at that age...stuborn and knew it all! Whew!! We have our work cut out for us don't we?
    Katie (Kathleen)
