Thursday, November 4, 2010

Unit 7 Post

Hello everyone,
I cannot believe we only have three more weeks left after this week. Things have really moved fast on writing this paper, which I was really nervous about to begin with. I do have to say I really like how the Professor setup this class. It worked out great for me, how each week was building my paper, now we had to do a draft that was basically my whole paper with just a little more to write. To top things off she now has us reading each other’s paper, I mean think about it she really is setting us all up to be able to get an “A” how great is that. All we have to do is follow her step-by-step plan. I can remember in the first part of this course I was worried about if the writing center was going to get back to me in time, now I have the writing center and all my classmates as well helping me with my paper. This is really a good process for writing a great paper, for me at least anyway. So hats off to the Professor, she was great in the helping process. Not only can I get my paper written with less nerves, I now have all kinds of different eyes looking at my paper and giving me either suggestions or helping me with spelling and grammar errors. Now I have the opportunity of learning from others as well as my own mistakes, which brings me to something that I found very interesting as well as shocking, while doing research on my paper. I discovered that while teenage pregnancy is raising so is the percentage of baby shaken syndrome, this is due to all the pressure and depression in the teen age mother. I bet this puts a lot of pressure on the parents or grandparents of the teen mom. I was also shock to find out the there are 1.1 million teen age girls getting pregnant every year, what are these kids thinking today?

By the way, thank you so much Professor for making this class less stressful and more pro-active.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie, I'm not sure if this is how we are supposed to link to a post, but I'm going to try? I agree with you that time is flying by, I can't believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon! I too like the way that this class is set up. Compared to some of the other classes that I've had,this one has been considerably less stressful. I also like the way that each unit is helping us to accomplish our final papers, it's really neat how it all starts to come together after a few units. I'm feeling very confident about my final paper at this point in the class, I hope that you are to. Like you, I also like how the peer reviews work. They really do shed so much light on things that we as writers may never had realized about our own work. I'm really glad that you are writing about the topic of teenage pregnancy and getting the word out. People need to realize how serious this problem is getting and that if parents would just get their teens involved in more positive activities like 4-H, school sports, etc. and also take the time to talk with and "really listen" to their teens, they would find that these teen pregnancys would decrease at an amazing rate.
