Thursday, November 25, 2010

Unit 10 Post

Hello everyone,
Well, we did it. We have just entered the last week of this course. I would first like to take this time to say “hats off to our Professor, she was great”. I would also like to say it was great working with all of you. I wish everyone the best of luck in your future travel with Kaplan.
For all you new students out there, just remember you can do anything you put your minds to do. Make it a goal you have to accomplish and it will happen. When fist coming into Comp II, as well as Comp I, I was so very nervous. I always have been the type to get really nervous and sick to my stomach when it came down to having to write a paper. Knowing you have to make sure to watch out for plagiarism, to use the right in-text citation, the right way to do your references and where to use a comma or not. It all seems so overwhelming, but trust me after taking these courses (Comp. I & Comp. II) you will feel a lot better about having to sit down and write a paper or even a project. This course is not as bad as you may think; trust me I was the one thinking I was never going to make it through these courses. But once I entered this course and found out that we would be building our paper from week to week that alone lifted a lot from my chest. Then the Professor threw a very good curve ball by having us write a first draft and posting it so everyone could look at. I know you are thinking right now, “Man that is not good, what if I really mess up, or even I don’t want everyone to think I’m not good at this.” I even thought when she first said this that everyone was going to look at mine and say, “This girl cannot write a paper for nothing.” But come to find out it was great to have someone give you advice and help point out your errors. I believe in the long run it saved me from a lot of errors with grammar and punctuation. I still got some punctuation errors as well as citation errors, but not near what I would have had if it was not for my peers, so I thank everyone for that. I will have to work a little more on those things, but at least I can sit down and start a paper without feeling like my chest is caving in. LOL
Just remember this: Your fears are challenges, challenges are what give us strength, and strength is what helps you later on in life to be able to overcome anything. We cannot learn everything in a day, so we use each day to learn something new. That is what makes life fun; you never know what you are going to wake up to. And believe me living in a house with 5 kids, two dogs, two cats, a bunny, fish take, and a husband you act like the kids. I never know what I’m waking up to. One thing I do know when I go to bed, I will be waking up to something I did not know the day before. So no matter what the next day have to bring me whether it be good or bad, I know I will have learned something new or how to deal with that days challenge. So with that in mind the day was never a loss, it is always a gain.

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