Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Unit 8 Post

Hello everyone, so here we are only two weeks to go after this. I’m guessing by now we all should be putting the finishing touches on our papers, when I first entered this class I could not stop worrying about if I would be able to write a scientific paper or not because I never really was good at writing. Now here I am in part two of College Comp writing another paper. This was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, although I do have to say the hardest part was coming up with a thesis statement. This was also the hardest part the first time around, which is not saying much due to the fact it is also one of the most important parts of the paper. Although the way that Dr. M. made things in a step-by-step process made it a lot easier for me. I also have trouble in any paper I have to write knowing what information to include and not to include. When researching for information it is hard to be able to keep it all in order and how I want to put it all together. I guess this is why I liked the unit where we had to research the different learning styles and how each one worked.
I feel that the comments that I have received in my blog as well as my discussion post have been very helpful, and spirit lifting. It seemed just when I was getting worried about how my paper was coming or how worried I was even writing one someone would be there to write a comment to left my spirits ups and help see me through it. I hope to continue my blog with my classmates as well as other classmates in my up-coming classes.

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