Thursday, November 18, 2010

Unit 9 Post

Hello everyone:

Well here we are, in our final stretch of our course as well as our final project. I have written my paper on teenage pregnancy, for anyone that has not known that. When I started writing this paper, I was so nervous and did not think I was going to be able to pull it off. However, with all the help from the Professor and you classmates I really think I can say I feel pretty good about my paper. Well at least with the part of having all the information that needed to be included. While researching this paper I have learned so much about the problem with teenage pregnancy and how it has grown over the years. I have also learned how to do better research as well as different techniques in proof reading a paper. I know one things I will be taking from this class with me, is how to overcome being so nervous on writing a paper. With all the different things I have learned, I feel that I can comfortably research, write and proof read a paper now. Well good luck everyone with your final draft.  

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